Buyer Advantage

Buyer Advantage



Confidentiality is vitally important during the purchase process. While we are required to obtain proof of your financial ability to acquire the selected business, we are only required to inform the seller that you are indeed able, and do not provide any other details.


Our firm has excellent contacts with a variety of different lenders, providing specific lending packages to acquire various businesses. This varies from simple acquisitions to extensive multi-million dollar buyouts.

Fair Market Value

National M & A Group works with reputable national valuation companies to determine the fair market value of a business, and we only present businesses to you where we have confirmed the information with filed tax returns and P&L statements. There is no "wink" factor involved. Furthermore, any business presented to you has to go through a thorough interview process, addressing approximately 100+ different questions.

Large Network

National M & A Group, through its different affiliations, offers access to approximately one thousand businesses, through our business brokerage network. Once qualified as a buyer, you have access to all of these businesses (however, we will never provide more than one prospectus at any given time).

Due Diligence & Data Verification

During the due diligence period, we will help you to obtain the requested information from the seller and will ensure that there is a proper information flow. We will arrange for meetings and ensure that the transition process is smooth and successful for all parties involved.

Outstanding Reputation

National M & A Group is affiliated with many different organizations and has established a large network to bring you the best business opportunities.

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Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri 7am - 5pm
Sat 7am - 3pm
Sun Closed

Call Us

Phone: 1-778-383-6393
Toll Free: 1-855-275-8885
Mobile: 1-604-316-3050